Create projects

Create projects

Users of DesignSpecs can have two roles: administrator or designer. Only administrators can create projects.

To create a project first click on the 4 squares symbol on the top right of your screen. If you are an administrator you will then see a list of projects starting with a "+" sign. Press the "+" to create a new project.

Please note that:

- Projects are only available to other users within your company. Administrators can access all projects. Designers only have access to assigned projects.
- DesignSpecs has no access to specific projects and project information; this is all for your eyes only!


Project data

Now you can edit the project data.

Obligated fields
- Project image - this image will be shown on the export so choose wisely
- Project name - Name of the project

Other fields
- Project discription

Change project data

You can change all project data at any time you like. To change project data you have to go to the project board. Click on the "settings" button (top right) and click on "Edit". You can now change or add project information.