Product popup

Product popup

When you click on a product in DesignSpecs there is a product popup. This popup has two parts: the left part provides you with information about the product and the right part gives you the possibility to adjust product specifications and add the product to a project.

Product information

The product popup provides you with the following information:

- Brand name
- Product name

Optional fields
The following fields are optional:

- The name of the designer
- A product number
- A retail price
- Product information
- A downloadable pdf

Good to know

The following fields are optional in the export and thus can be either shown or left out of an exported document:

- Code
- Dealer
- Notes

For more information concerning the export please click here.

Product specifications

The right part gives you the possibility to adjust product specifications and add the product to a project. Please note that these adjustments are not definitive; after saving the product you can alter specifications at any time by opening the product on the project board

Project --> Choose a project
The first step is to select a project where you want to add the product. If the project is not yet available, then first create a project (administrator).

Project --> Choose room(s)
The second step is to choose the room(s) where you want to add the products to. Therefore you first need to create rooms on the project board (all users). After selecting rooms you can determine the amount of products for each room.

Alternatively, if you are not sure about a room or amount of products needed you can add the product to your project anyway. It will then be placed in a room called "unspecified" where you can change the product in a later stadium.

Code (optional)
Here you can add a code for the product for reference

Specifications (optional)
Here you can add product specifications such as type, required fabric and/or colour

Finish size (optional)
Here you can specify the required size of the product.

Dealer (optional)
Here you can add the name of the dealer that can supply the product.

Notes (optional)
This field can be used for all other remarks