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All design products are welcome on DesignSpecs. Contact us to discuss the possibilities!


Why DesignSpecsDesignSpecs is a platform for interior designers. Interior Designers use DesignSpecs to browse and select products, adjust product specifications and import selected products into projects. Our goal is to make the process of creating design specifications by Interior Designers easyefficient and mistake-free.

Are Interior Designers and Architects an important target group for you? Do you export abroad? Then DesignSpecs is the solution to reach designers world wide! Please check the page with main features to learn more!

Which products are suitable?DesignSpecs ideally contains all available design products. All products used by Interior Architects are suitable: chairs, wall panels, the colour of paint on the wall.

How to submit productsIt is not possible to submit products by yourself. All products are submitted by DesignSpecs in order to guarantee the quality of the content and database.